Ground Rules

The purpose of this post is to familiarize you with some ground rules regarding this website.  Please read it in its entirety and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

  1. This is not an official site of OITS, PEF, Civil Service, or any other group.  It is run by Sarah Lauser for free use by all New York State IT Specialists.
  2. There may be study session information posted at some point.  All study sessions may have different registration requirements but it is important that you read the announcement and follow its instructions.  Emails to Sarah to reserve spots will NOT be accepted.
  3. If you would like to organize additional sessions and announce them via this site, please let me know and I am happy to assist.
    • Material from previous exams
    • Material from “experts” who may have helped to write questions
    • Copyrighted material (unless you have permission from the owner)
      This includes CSEA booklets!

CSEA Test Booklets

I’ve had a few questions about where to find the CSEA booklets.
The books are (and always were) supposed to only be free for CSEA members.

Unfortunately, CSEA materials are now only available to CSEA members.

PEF members are supposed to purchase the books from CSEA.

If you visit, hard copies can be ordered on the online store or digital downloads are available if you sign up for online courses.  Subscribing to the online courses is the ONLY legitimate way for PEF members to obtain digital copies of these booklets.

A few people have emailed me with links they found by searching on the internet.  Some CSEA locals apparently make the booklets available on their websites without requiring member signin.

I obviously can’t control what you search or which links you visit, but I’m not doing anything to enable people to break copyright.  Therefore, I will not condone sharing those links on this site or any sites I control.

Relevant booklet numbers for the 2017 exams:
Logical reasoning using flowcharts – Booklet 25 (first half only – Flowcharting)
Understanding and interpreting a manual – no booklet available
Preparing written material – Booklet 17
Systems analysis – no booklet available
Understanding and interpreting tabular material – Booklet 3 (Tabular Reasoning), Booklet 15 (Quantitative Analysis)
Supervising a project – no booklet available
Supervision – Booklet 6
Project management fundamentals – no booklet available
Administration – no booklet available
Writing skills for managers – Booklet 17 (Preparing Written Material) and Booklet 5 (Grammar, Usage, and Punctuation)
Project management – no booklet available
Administrative supervision – Booklet 18
Strategic planning, fiscal analysis, management of budgets and contracts – no booklet available

Thanks, and happy studying!

See Also: 2017 ITS Subjects of Examination

It’s a work in progress…

Welcome, NYSITS visitors! It’s exam season again, and that means I’m ramping up to help you prepare for the test.  Please excuse the new site; the old one was overrun with spammers.

As I work on getting this site up and running, you can make sure you receive notifications by subscribing to the email list at the bottom of this page.

In the meantime, here is a link to the 2010 and 2014 videos to keep you busy.
