Livestream reminder & new resource

REMINDER: FINAL STUDY LIVESTREAM IS SATURDAY 3/26 AT 2 PM. Topic is Manuals & Wrap-Up. YouTube link:

Also, our fellow NYS IT professional Cedric Pinder has made a new study resource for you! Please note that I (Sarah) am not affiliated with the new site in any way. Here’s what Cedric had to say: “It’s not where I want it to be yet but sufficient for people to get some use out of it. If possible, please share the following link with your subscribers: . Please let them know the site contains practice questions, still a work in progress, still under construction and only covers the ITS 3 exams at this point in time.” Thanks for helping people study, Cedric!

Upcoming G23 livestreams and how to watch livestreams after they end

Saturday, 3/19, 2-4 PM – Preparing Written Material and Logical Reasoning Using Flowcharts
Saturday, 3/26, 2-4 PM – Understanding and Interpreting a Manual and Wrap-Up

Note that if you add a reminder about these to your calendar, it may show up as 1 PM. That’s because daylight savings will happen between now and then – the streams will really start at 2 PM on those days!

Process for the next two streams will be similar to the first one – To join, just go to my YouTube channel (Toner Tutoring) and look for the live broadcast. I’ve also tried to link them above. I will probably start the broadcast around 1:45 PM with a countdown timer. If you miss it, all livestreams will be archived and available on my channel (hopefully in this playlist) and I will also link them here in the Videos section.

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First G23 livestream is Sat 3/5 at 2 PM

Hi everyone! Just a reminder that the first G23 study session livestream will be tomorrow, Saturday 3/5, at 2 PM. To join, just go to my YouTube channel (Toner Tutoring) and look for the live broadcast. I will probably start the broadcast around 1:45 PM with a countdown timer. If you miss it, all livestreams will be archived and available on my channel (hopefully in this playlist) and I will also link them here in the Videos section.