Last minute thoughts for 2022 G23 exams

First of all, I’m sending best wishes and luck to everyone taking the exams. Be sure to try to get a good night’s sleep – don’t stay up too late cramming!

  • Directions to UAlbany Lecture Centers (LC’s) were discussed on stream here:
  • Information about the review process is available here (from 2017 exams): Test Review
    Remember that if you want to do review you will need to sign up for it on your test day!
  • Take your time and remember to breathe. You’ve prepared and now you’re just going to sit and do the best you can! You’ve got this!
  • Finally, just because it’s asked a lot… there are four topics for the exam – systems analysis, preparing written material, logical reasoning using flowcharts, and understanding & interpreting a manual. Compiled list of study resources can be found in this post: All 2022 G23 Study Resources

Comments will be open on this post for a while in case people have last minute questions; I’ll be checking in a couple times throughout the weekend to review any comments posted. — UPDATE 4/7/22 — Comments are now closed.

6 thoughts on “Last minute thoughts for 2022 G23 exams

  1. You’re awesome Sarah! I appreciate your dedication… I was looking for this to add more to my repertoire for tomorrow. I Googled SDLC for G23 Exam, and this popped up-



  2. Thank you so much for going over all these topics Sarah! If I don’t know it by now, I never will!

  3. Without your tutorials, especially on flowcharts, I think I would have panicked a bit today.
    Thank you so much for all you do!

  4. Hi Sara,
    I took the test yesterday at u Albany but unfortunately did not finish copying my answer to my answer sheet from my book test. the monitor in the test room took my test sheet before I finished copying all answers from my book test and she let me fill some paper to ask the test center to look at my book rather than the answer sheet is this a review request and is civil service offer review test or not?

    thank you so much

    1. Hi Noor, unfortunately that is not the same thing as the “review” that I talked about. I am sorry to inform you that your answers in the test booklet may not be counted; part of the exam is making sure you get the answers onto the answer sheet before time expires. I’m not SURE that they will ignore the test booklet but it is a very high possibility in my opinion. For future exams, it’s always a good practice to make sure you are bubbling in answers every time you go to flip a page. That will also help to keep you on the correct lines in your answer booklet as you fill in your bubbles.

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