The purpose of this post is to familiarize you with some ground rules regarding this website. Please read it in its entirety and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
- This is not an official site of OITS, PEF, Civil Service, or any other group. It is run by Sarah Lauser for free use by all New York State IT Specialists.
- There may be study session information posted at some point. All study sessions may have different registration requirements but it is important that you read the announcement and follow its instructions. Emails to Sarah to reserve spots will NOT be accepted.
- If you would like to organize additional sessions and announce them via this site, please let me know and I am happy to assist.
- Material from previous exams
- Material from “experts” who may have helped to write questions
- Copyrighted material (unless you have permission from the owner)
This includes CSEA booklets!