2022 materials for PM and Supervision livestream

Here are the materials for the 2022-11-12 livestream about project management and supervision.

Additional Resources: Project Management

Start here: Management’s Guide to Project Success

This is the same as the file on the source site, it’s just a lot smaller.

This 2-up version is better for printing purposes, or for reading on a tablet in landscape orientation.

This file is an extract of the diagram pages from MGtPS.

For more details: NYS Project Management Guidebook Release 2

The chapters are all separate PDFS at the source site, so here are some combined files.

And if you want the whole thing as one file, here it is. This is a LARGE document of over 700 pages.

Other project management resources

Free online courses:

Or you can try looking at everything tagged project management on this site.

Additional Resources: Supervision

CSEA Booklets:

  • Booklet 6 – Supervision
  • Booklet 18 – Administrative Supervision / Supervision II

Free books available online:

Free online courses:

Or you can try looking at everything tagged supervision on this site.